Parent Coordination & Facilitation


As a Parent Facilitator and Parent Coordinator I am required by Texas Family Code to complete extensive training in order to assist families in conflict resolution. My training consists of:

  1. 29 years of training in the fields of family dynamic and child development
  2. 40 hours of training in Dispute Resolution
  3. Training in Family Violence, and extensive case work with abuse and neglect cases
  4. 16 hours of training in the laws and board rules governing parent coordination and facilitation, and the multiple styles and procedures used in different models of service.
  5. Texas Family Law and ethics related to Parent Facilitation/ Coordination

I have met and exceeded the qualifications needed to be appointed as a Parent Facilitator/ Coordinator in the state of Texas.

In addition I am a certified teacher who has taught in both public and private schools in Austin, and have counseled children and parents in many clinical issues in my private practice, including depression, anxiety, divorce and separation, ADHD/ADD, executive functioning problems, and gifted and talented issues. This makes me a strong candidate for assisting parents in educational plans for their children.

My parenting facilitation/ Coordination process uses an education based model. I initially meet with each parent separately to develop an on- going treatment plan, and then occasionally with both parents to educate about co-parenting issues, monitor the court ordered parenting plan, and discuss and resolve any communication issues.

Parenting Facilitators/ Coordinators help parents by:

  • Meeting individually and jointly with parents to identify goals
  • Teaching collaborative planning and decision making to parents for their children
  • Teaching communication skills for co-parenting
  • Educating parents on co-parenting techniques and issues related to children growing up between two homes.
  • Identifying sources of conflict between parents and mediate ways to address these issues
  • Reducing chronic litigation (and preserve family resources)
  • Reviewing written evaluations and reports,
  • Talking with other significant individuals involved with the family (doctors, therapists, school personnel, lawyers, etc.)
  • Writing status reports to the court as needed and defined in the order
  • Testifying in court if needed and being contacted by other professionals (Parent Coordinators do not testify)
  • Make recommendations to the parents.

How Do I Get Started?

In order to begin services with families, the following steps must  be taken by each adult :

  • A fully completed data form
  • Contract for professional services
  • A copy of the court order
  • A retainer from each parent and I must receive the retainer from each parent before the first meeting
  • A consent form to speak to your lawyer and other professionals
  • A signed copy of the advisement form with initials on each page
  • Completion of a 6 hour on -line parenting class that educates parents on co-parenting and divorce related issues ( Children in the Middle) completed within the first month of court order.
 Once you have made contact with me I will send  you a contract to look over, and request a retainer.  All forms must be completed, and I must receive the retainer before our first meeting.

Contact Lisa

Office Location

Office Address
4131 Spicewood Springs Road
Suite D-3
Austin, TX 78759

Map of Office Complex

(click map to enlarge)

Google map

(512) 643-2851
(512) 502-5399 (fax)

Mailing Address

Lisa Rothfus
4131 Spicewood Springs Road
Suite D-3
Austin, TX 78759