New Ways 4 Families Counseling Options


Lisa offers various counseling options in New Ways 4 Families:

Pre-Mediation Coaching

CLients can complete 1-4 coaching sessions prior to mediation, using the Pre-Mediation Coaching Workbook. This is the shortest version of the method, but the focus remains on learning and practicing the four skills.

This model is particularly beneficial for potentially high-conflict parents who would benefit from learning the skills prior to mediation, but do not require intensive counseling. Learning the skills prior to mediation should make for a more effective mediation process, and research on this approach has shown a 80% better chance of reaching a settlement at Mediation.

Individual Parent Counseling Sessions

Each parent participates in six weekly Individual Parent Counseling sessions, with his/her own confidential counselor. Using the Parent Workbook, each parent works with his/her counselor to learn and practice the four skills. Information shared in these sessions are not reported to the court.

Parent-Child Counseling Sessions

After completion of the individual sessions, each parent participates in three Parent-Child Counseling sessions. The parents share the same Parent-Child Counselor, alternating weeks (they do not attend sessions jointly). The Parent-Child Counselor guides the parent as he/she works through the workbook exercises with the child (or children together, depending on the age). The purpose is for each parent to teach the child the same four skills for resilience and conflict resolution, and for the parent to address the child’s concerns about the future.

Contact Lisa

Office Location

Office Address
4131 Spicewood Springs Road
Suite D-3
Austin, TX 78759

Map of Office Complex

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Google map

(512) 643-2851
(512) 502-5399 (fax)

Mailing Address

Lisa Rothfus
4131 Spicewood Springs Road
Suite D-3
Austin, TX 78759